Public Works - Environmental Waste

Residential Diversion

Did You Know?

Increased diversion from the landfill is a shared responsibility between EWS and Plano residents. Available waste reduction collection services such as bi-weekly recycling and weekly yard trimming collections, as well as scheduled Household Hazardous Waste collections and monthly bulky waste collections are part of the combined effort to reduce waste in Plano. Yard trimming material is processed into Texas Pure Compost and mulch products available for purchase. Collected Household Hazardous Waste is processed and made available to Plano residents free of charge at the City’s reuse center located at 4110 W. Plano Parkway. Electronics recycling is also available at designated drop off sights in the city. Combined, each of these programs helps to divert waste from landfill, improving Plano’s overall diversion rate while helping to preserve natural resources and protect the environment.
Residential Diversion Rate

Sanitary Sewer Overflows

What are Sanitary Sewer Overflows?

A Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) is a discharge of water from a sanitary sewer system (SSS) from an unauthorized point. An SSO is the result of excessive I&I – inflow and infiltration. Exacerbating I&I and leading to SSOs are a number of factors including: improper operation and maintenance of the sewer system; blockages; structural, mechanical, or electrical failures; collapsed or broken sewer pipes; insufficient conveyance capacity; and vandalism. Any sanitary sewer discharge can contain a number of hazardous pollutants ranging from oxygen-demanding substances, sediment, pathogens, toxics, nutrients, and floatables. In turn, SSOs are potentially hazardous to the public’s health and the environment.

Why do we Measure Sanitary Sewer Overflows?

Plano's Public Works Department is "committed to providing excellent service to our citizens through trash and recycling services, water, sewer and drainage systems, and streets and alleyways for a safe and clean overall quality of life in Plano." In judging the success of this mission, measuring SSOs is very important. A low frequency of SSOs shows strong operation and maintenance of Plano's SSS. Overall, a low number of SSOs ensures a high standard of living in Plano, allows the Public Work's department to meet American Public Works Association accreditation standards, and the City to stay in accordance with the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit program run by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.