Property Standards Division

Responsibilities & Services

Property Standards inspects residential, commercial and industrial districts for compliance with City code and zoning ordinances and assists in the education of residents and business owners in code and ordinance matters.
Thank you for your commitment to maintain the most desirable neighborhoods in the nation!

Property Violations

To view Violations with additional information, click on the View Data Source, bottom right, under each violation type graph to filter the desired information where it can then be exported.
Exterior Violations

Substandard Structure Violations

Landscape Violations

Have a Property Standards Staff Member Speak at Your Meeting

Property Standards Division staff is available to speak to Home Owner Associations, Civic organizations and other groups on the topics of Property Maintenance, the Code Compliance process, or other general information concerning residential and commercial upkeep. Please complete the online Meeting Speaker's Request Form, providing the requester's name, contact information, name of the organization and scheduled date of the meeting. To allow for adequate scheduling, please complete and submit the Speaker's Request a minimum of two weeks prior to the meeting date.